Who am I ?

Av. de Cointe 5
4000 Liège
I am a french cybersecurity engineer, and I like to continuously learn stuff. I like to automate, develop, script, document, and participate to the security community by sharing knowledge and reporting vulnerabilities.
My profesionnal experience lead me to the Cloud, and especially on Microsoft technologies. Due to my participation to the community (conferences, blog posts, issues, vulnerabilities reported, etc.) Microsoft rewarded me with the MVP award in the Azure category, which I renewed for the three past years. I am also CISSP certified in 2019.
I also leverage my Microsoft MVP financial advantages to teach at University of Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) in order for students to learn about billable technologies that are widely used in the cybersecurity field. The last project was to build an infrastructure monitored by a SOC, attack this infrastructure, and block the attacks.